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What Is a Local Authority Search in Conveyancing Transactions?

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There are several components which add to the due diligence performed by your conveyancing solicitor on your new property. A local authority search is one of the important components and may be extremely revealing in a good way for the property buyer. This article explains what a local authority search is and its importance in conveyancing transactions. Why the Need? Basically, a local authority search is important in every conveyancing transaction; that’s if you do not want any horrible surprises once you’ve purchased the property.…

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What is a music lawyer?

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If you are a musician or interested in becoming part of the music industry, you might need to hire a music lawyer. This type of lawyer specializes in different parts of the entertainment industry, from helping to prepare contracts to represent you in different types of legal cases. Here are some things to know about music lawyers.   What do music lawyers do? Music lawyers provide a lot of different services to people who are in the entertainment industry.…

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Wills & Estate: How To Apply For The Letters Of Administration

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When a loved one passes on and they have left no clear will, inheritor or executor of the estate, letters of administration are required. These letters give you the mandate to take over the estate either as the sole heir, as the executor or as one of the heirs. Considering how crucial these letters are in such a process, it’s vital that you understand how the process works so that you can initiate and execute it as explained below:…

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Even Families Need To Seek Legal Counsel

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Even the smallest unit in society is under law. As much as you may want to solve all issues that arise in your family at a personal level, there comes a time when legal action must be taken and sought by all means. Many resolve to look for a family lawyer as the last option, only to discover that it may be too little too late. Perhaps if families knew the importance of having family lawyers then conflict resolutions would not be as dramatic as they are today.…

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When to Call a Divorce Lawyer to Handle Your Child Custody Case

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When parents divorce, it’s good if they can work out child custody issues between them, but of course this isn’t always the case. Very often parents will get territorial and possessive of their children, and may use the children as a way to hurt the other parent. While some minor insults and differences might be overlooked, in many cases it’s better to have a divorce lawyer step in to protect your rights.…

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The Various Kinds of Claims You Can Make for Property Damage

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Cars are a convenient means of transport for those who own them. However, the risk of accidents, carjacking, and theft can make you incur significant loses. Thankfully, insurance firms have made car insurance policies a priority over the years, with many policy options to help you choose the right cover for your car. In this way, the insurance firms help you mitigate the losses you incur in case of incidences such as car accidents or carjacking.…

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Making a Personal Injury Compensation Claim: What to Do Following a Motor Vehicle Accident

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Whenever you are using the road, whether as a car driver, motorcyclist, pedal cyclist, passenger or pedestrian, you can never rule out the possibility of getting involved in a road accident and sustaining injuries. If you feel that the other party is responsible for the accident, then you should get every single penny you deserve to compensate for your injuries. A motor vehicle accident lawyer will make a personal injury compensation claim against the insurance company of the individual at fault, be it the driver of the vehicle you were travelling in or another third party driver.…

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